Thank you for considering me as one of your USPA National Directors. I will briefly outline my experience, then dive right in and bullet point what I’ve accomplished since being elected in November 2021, my overall mission, identify specific areas of improvement, sharing areas of USPA’s work I intend to support, and share feedback from the field.



USPA Member: Since 1994

Jumps: 11,250+ (150+ jumps this year)

Ratings: AFF/I, IAD/I, Pro Rating

Teams: Highlight Pro Skydiving Team

World Records: 24 Total (in 5 different discipline categories: FS, VFS, VSFS, UFS, WS)

melissa lowe for uspa national director


I was elected in a Special Election in November 2020. This is what I’ve accomplished thus far:

  • Wrote Sec 6-12 with leaders of the movement community
  • Supported 4-Way FS Beginner Class
  • Created a Facebook Group to listen to members, support ideas, encourage discussions, and educate about USPA
  • Connected with several DZO’s in person and via Zoom (and continue to do so)
  • Created a sub-committee for Sport Promotion
  • Listened to members and helped initiate the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion [JEDI] movement
  • Voted no on the Landing Pattern, and Balloon Jump BSR’s


Continue to work with members answering questions, bringing feedback to the board, and being a voice for members on the board.

To inspire the next generation to get involved by joining in on meetings, voting, interacting in my FB Group, or running for a board position.

Mentoring interested members to become a National or Regional Director.

To continue reaching out to members including DZO’s via my FB Group and in-person.

Sharing ideas from the field with this group and presenting to the board if viable, discuss upcoming agenda items for member feedback, and report as the BOD meetings are happening to keep members engaged and informed.


After meeting with several DZO’s, S&TA’s, Instructors, Judges, Competitors, and many members, as well as looking at the 13,000-foot view of USPA, these are the specific areas of improvement I want to bring to the members for feedback and if viable, to bring to the board:


  • Updated competitor code of conduct
  • Address Membership Services
  • Follow up on 3 motions not passed

Nationals Host Kits

  • USPA purchase and provide the following for host DZ’s: Registration software, tuffet, CP supplies, scoring system, guide on scheduling events, guide on hosting award ceremonies, provide spectator’s guide
  • Infographic – better “map” of how to bid for nationals
  • Welcome letter when a host wins the bid, followed up by a welcome kit and the above details, equipment, etc.

Supporting World Level Athletes

  • Financial support for our World Level Athletes (this has been a topic for decades I believe, but has had the thought process that only a very small percentage of members actually compete at Nationals and fewer at the world level. However, being able to support athletes helps the organization in a way that does not have a measurable ROI – you can utilize these teams in training for marketing and showcasing our sport on a professional level that will reach more members of USPA perhaps inspiring them to compete, but also reach the general public and inspiring them to try skydiving)
  • Advocate to hire a grant writer and seek out grants to pay for training, travel, registration, tracksuits
  • More social media/blog/newsletter, etc coverage of athletes training for nationals around the country

Sport Promotion Sub Committee

  • To continue finding ways to Inspire, Covert, Support, and Perception of sport
  • Starter Mag

Update B-D Licensing to be more relevant

  • Gathering data over last 10 years for incidents and fatalities
  • Break out % of ground, freefall and canopy requirements
  • Outline the problems with discipline-specific requirements and propose updated and relevant requirements
  • Perhaps a working group of canopy pilots, rating centers, AFFI’s, S&TA’s, as well as interested board members, etc. to develop

Group Membership

  • Continue connecting with DZO’s / DZM’s on what they like, do not like, want, etc. to develop kits and/or resources
  • Instead of a 2-page listing in Parachutist, have a 1-page ad with a QR code to link of GM DZ’s

melissa lowe for uspa national director


There are many other things that are in talks by other board members. Here is what’s being talked about that I support:

  • Support Term Limits or Rolling Elections (Rolling elections was presenting at the last BOD meeting and I will support or pursue one of these paths)
  • Support Re-Write of the SIM (others interested in pursuing this and I will advocate for it)
  • Support the Judges Program Jen Sharp & Steve Hubbard presented at the summer 2021 Board Meeting
  • Support more canopy education but what was presented at the last board meeting was incomplete and flawed – we need to seek out canopy pilots in the field for a more thought out update


The following list is highlights from my time on the road listening to DZO’s, S&TA’s, competitors, and members (the highlights are that I’ve heard this from more than 3 sources, or were great ideas I thought would be valuable to the membership). The following will be discussed in this group if elected to see viability to bring to the BOD.

  • For S&TA’s: online portal very cumbersome, time-consuming and not intuitive
  • Address the medical for tandem (it’s been more than 20 years, is tandem still experimental?)
  • Adding options to renew memberships annually, 5-years or 10-years (not including licensing or ratings)
  • Discussing and finding solutions for a better way to report incidents
  • Employee vs Independent Contractor
  • Rolling Safety Day instead of annual, have 3-4x a year
  • Discuss USPA’s involvement with the Hall of Fame


Here are a few blog posts that I show a bit behind the scenes on what a National Director does, as well as How To Vote for a National Director. You can also join my Facebook Group here to learn more about the candidates or check out the October Parachutist issue.

Voting begins October 1st, 2021 and runs through the end of October. All current USPA members are eligible to participate and your participation matters!